グレン・キャンベル氏 81歳(米カントリー歌手)8日、米南部テネシー州ナッシュビルの療養施設で死去。1960年代から70年代に活躍。代表曲は「ジェントル・オン・マイ・マインド」「恋はフェニックス」など。2011年にアルツハイマー病を患っていることを公表後も活動を続けた。
By the time I get to Phoenix she'll be rising
She'll find the note I left hanging on her door
She'll laugh when she reads the part that says I'm leaving
Cause I've left that girl so many times before
By the time I make Albuquerque she'll be working
She'll prob'ly stop at lunch and give me a call
But she'll just hear that phone keep on ringing
Off the wall that's all
By the time I make Oklahoma she'll be sleeping
She'll tum softly and call my name out low
And she'll cry just to think I'd really leave her
Tho' time and time I try to tell her so
She just didn't know I would really go
She'll find the note I left hanging on her door
She'll laugh when she reads the part that says I'm leaving
Cause I've left that girl so many times before
By the time I make Albuquerque she'll be working
She'll prob'ly stop at lunch and give me a call
But she'll just hear that phone keep on ringing
Off the wall that's all
By the time I make Oklahoma she'll be sleeping
She'll tum softly and call my name out low
And she'll cry just to think I'd really leave her
Tho' time and time I try to tell her so
She just didn't know I would really go